
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

See the film Therese.

This film shows a life devoted to Jesus and that to imitate Jesus we need not do great things but only do small things with great love. The subject of the film, Therese Martin of Liseux, France, was the inspiration for Mother Theresa taking that name. She is known as the little flower of Jesus.

Therese took seriously Christ's instruction in Matthew 18:1-4 to "become like children" and to "humble" ourselves "like a child". Therese is played by Lindsay Younce, who does a fine job in this portrait of a soul. Nonetheless, the cast is a bit uneven and the small budget sometimes shows. Despite those small limitations, that the film is a work of love is apparent, and it is at times quite moving.

I would recommend the film to Christians and non-Christians alike. It would be of particular interest to Buddhists, or Jews and Muslims (or any one else) who are interested in a contemplative approach to life. It shows us how life can be meaningful and happy not only in spite of, but also through, suffering. The film is fortunately devoid of any of the political charge which surrounded The Passion. Unfortunately, it is an independant production in very limited release, but you can find theaters screening the film at its website. Therese - Official Site