
Friday, February 18, 2005

Bush Reading Tom Wolfe's "I am Charlotte Simmons".

Speaking of presidential reading material (see my post below re Bush reading Sharansky's "The Case for Democracy), a voice from eden notes here that Dubya is also reading Tom Wolfe's "I Am Charlotte Simmons", about a conservative small-town girl surrounded by the debauched life found at today's universities.

Also via a voice from eden is an article from the International Herald Tribune about Why is Bush reading Tom Wolfe which also lists his other reading choices. The author of a voice from eden notes that he picked up the book out of curiosity but that it is worth reading. Wolfe, who has documented the acid culture, the radical chic and written novels putting Wall Street and high flying developers under the microscope (while serving up a dose of Stoicism), is becoming increasingly irritating to the left. I am a bit of fan, having read four of his books.

If you're going to buy Wolfe's latest (a little blegging here), please use my link - to Amazon - in the sidebar to the right, as I will get a small chunk of the purchase. I believe the link in this post will also work.