
Thursday, March 03, 2005

Second Thoughts About Mel's Take On Fatima.

Two days ago I expressed my pleasure at Mel Gibson buying the rights to "Stealing From Angels", a novel dealing with the third prophesy of Fatima. I had some unexpressed concerns, particularly regarding comparisons of the novel to those of Dan Brown and the take that Gibson, an ultratraditionalist, might have on Fatima. The Curt Jester in a recent post linking to JIMMY AKIN.ORG: Mel's Next Film, raising doubts about how Mel will treat the subject, brought my reservations about Mel's Fatima film to the fore.

Some question whether Gibson is a schismatic and a sedevacantist. Certain folks from those quarters have a conspiratorial view of Fatima, believing that the third prophesy (about the attempt on JPII's life) has not really been revealed.
If his treatment of the Passion is any indication, my worries are unnecessary. I sure hope that's the case. Treating the Pope and the "Novus Ordo" Church (as some schismatics refer to the Church) with disrespect would certainly cost Mel some viewers.