
Sunday, October 30, 2005

My Short List Of SCOTUS Nominees.

If it were my job, the short list (and a very short list it is) would be:

Viet D. Dinh and Douglas W. Kmiec

Both Dinh and Kmiec have the legal gravitas and solid conservative credentials that Miers lacked. Dinh is a con law professor at Georgetown. Kmiec is at Pepperdine but has previously done stints as con law professor at Notre Dame and as dean at Catholic University. Both have served in the executive branch with distinction. Both are easy going and amiable.

Both men appear to have the "soft sell" approach to intellectual persuasion, something that the conservatives on the court sorely need. Their personal styles I know from experience, having met them both on more than one occasion. Dinh has the advantage of being only 37 - talk about a legacy. The Wall Street Journal noted that Dinh has the advantage of being a minority, Vietnamese, and of having been subject to Hillary's lone dissenting vote when he was up for Assistant Attorney General.

From my estimation, neither has the prospect within the realm of reasonable possibility of going Souter on us. This is a quality which cannot be gainsaid.