
Friday, March 04, 2005

Los Angeles Times Acts As Apologist For North Korean Dictator.

HughHewitt is protesting the L.A. Times now for the second day in a row printing North Korean propoganda. Yesterday, "The Pyongyang Times of Los Angeles" (as Hugh calls it) or the "Los Angeles Dogtrainer" (as regular critic of the LAT Patterico refers to it) published an article about North Korea in which this hallowed institution of the California press basically acted as a mouth-piece for a North Korean communist agent. N. Korea, Without the Rancor. See also today's article, N. Korea Lists Conditions for Negotiations.

Now, not every piece dealing with a foreign nation has to be hard hitting. But this is not France we're talking about but what may be the most oppressive government in the world. It is right to ask whether Hitler or Stalin could rightly have been given the same forum. The LAT suffers from that sad modern malady which the Pontiff has previously spotlighted, the inability to call evil by its name.

I cancelled my subscription after they campaigned in their news section against Schwarzenegger during the last days of the recall. Hugh Hewitt has cancelled and urged others to do so. Please do! Call 800-252-9141. Chesterton's remark about journalism is never more true than when reading the LAT:

Journalism is popular, but it is popular mainly as fiction. Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers is another.
