November 5 is Guy Fawkes Day.
Guy Fawkes day, for those who don't know, is the day the English celebrate the capture and execution of the Catholic Mr. Fawkes who 400 years ago spearheaded the Gunpowder Plot to blow up parliament in a time when that government was executing priests and persecuting Catholics. John Zmirak on Godspy, in an excerpt from his book The Bad Catholic's Guide to Good Living, with tongue half in cheek says we should celebrate Guy Fawkes Day with a bang - blowing up ginger bread parliament houses.
In response to a commenter on Godspy, Zmirak says he was "kinda joking" and asks, "Is it wrong to use violence to overthrow tyrants?"
In response to a commenter on Godspy, Zmirak says he was "kinda joking" and asks, "Is it wrong to use violence to overthrow tyrants?"