
Monday, March 07, 2005

Threat of Russian and Chinese Espionage Growing.

Linking to this Washington Times story, U.S. targets spy services abroad, asks, "If Russian Communism is dead then why are they so intent on working with China to spy on us?" The WT cites as a source senior CIA official, Barry Royden, who says Russians are targeting U.S. troops in the Middle East for recruitment using very agressive tactics, including blackmail, extortion and entrapment. linked here to an AP account of how the Chinese and Russians are increasingly cooperating; the two countries are having their first joint military exercise and China is now Russia's largest arms customer. Skojec notes France's mercenary interest in this "Nouveau Axis" pointing to French military assistance and arms sales to China, showing that France is even more in shortage of scruples than it is of deodorant. All this while the spotlight is fixed on Islamofascism.

This threat is largely ignored in the mainstream media. It took a blogger linking to the conservative Washington Times to bring it to my attention.